hurry up! (andrew)
In Nottingham, we went to the BBC building and did an interview with this magnificent DJ named Dean Jackson. He was warm and gentle, doing everything with a chuckle, with humility, not taking himself too seriously.
I remain always a little nervous and self-conscious when I join Darwin for his interviews. Since this band is primarily Darwin’s creative effort, I feel frightened that I am going to drop some anecdote or attitude that clashes with whatever vision Darwin is hoping to project. But I’m starting to loosen up, which I think is going to come in handy, because Darwin sometimes appears worn out (understandably) by the cascade of questions constantly flowing his way.
Our stage manager, Seb, is slowly teaching our band French. Today he taught us how to say, “Mr. Seb, can I have the van key, please?” (je puis avoir la clé, s’il te plaît?) He also told us how to say “Hurry up!” in two different ways, one polite, and one rude. Seb laughs a lot more when we say the rude version, so I’ve only memorized that one.
The entire band (Darwin, Greg, Cole, me, Michelle) has been put under the spell of Scar Tissue, Anthony Kiedis’s autobiography. The band’s infiatuation is further evidenced by the Darwin Deez cover of the song by the same name, released to the internet this week by triple J radio in Australia. I happen to be friends with the author, Larry “Ratso” Sloman, who I knew for several months as a face around town before I realized he was a well known and incredibly talented artist. Today I wrote Ratso an invitation to come to our NYC homecoming show at Mercury Lounge. Fingers crossed!