constellations video
dear listsers,
i’m writing from lucky number labelmate caleb pate’s apartment in san francisco. i just spent the last 3 days here shooting a music video for ‘constellations’ with genius director duo, Terri Timely, and their wonderful crew. watch it here, it was beautifully filmed on a $17,000 RED camera. i can’t believe the summer is technically over now…the last two months on the road have flown by. we’ve played numerous shows and met numerous cool bands. in a moment, Caleb will take me to the airport and i will fly back to england for another 2 months of touring. by the time you read this, the music video for constellations will be finished and ready for you to view. i am so proud of it! thousands of dollars and hundreds of (wo)man-hours went into it, so if you like it, please blog about it, show your parents, and make your friends watch it!
we’re re-releasing the song as digital-only single on october 18th, along with two remixes, one by SBTRKT and one by Totally Enormous Extinct Dinosaurs (TEED). you can buy everything from itunes.
we had a blast on our sold out german shows last week and we’re looking forward to headlining our own UK tour in october, as well as visiting australia on the parklife tour later this month. (germans, we will be back in march 2011–see dates below.) our label has been amazing to us, so please support them by buying our music in any way shape or form. looking forward to hugging all of you at the shows.