goldilocks with cigarettes (andrew)
6 degrees in Texas? No fair! Awoke this morning to a snow assaulted Motel 6 swimming pool. We are back in winter again, much sooner than I had hoped. At least we have some Avril Lavigne “it’s a damn cold night” jams to soothe our shivering spirits. Austin awaits down the road.
I was hanging on for dear life during my guitar segment of our Tucson set, so I’ve been obsessively noodling away on my pink Squire in the back of the van, graciously tolerated by the rest of the band, trying to get my skills up to speed.
Most of Greg’s family lives in Tucson. He introduced the band to his mom and dad, countless aunts, uncles, and old friends. We went over to Anita’s house, Greg’s first girlfriend from way back in middle school. Joined by Friends (both in the capital letter and lower case sense of the word), we threw a cute living room dance party. Cyndi Lauper, Prince, Cyndi Lauper covering Prince. Eventually it was time to sleep. I had to move my slumber spot four times. Some places had too much light, some places had too much cold, and some places had too much loud talking. It was like Goldilocks except with cigarettes.
After sleeping in late, we hit a diner on Congress Street for eggs. I had a hunch that it was going to be a place from my 2007 past, and sure enough, it was. I’ve only been to Tucson for one night, on a tour where I played bass in Saturday Looks Good to Me. On that particular night, I met an entrancing girl named Sharon and we dined fourth meal style at The Grill. Three and a half years later, it’s back in the same fucking diner, with Darwin Deez. And here we are at the music shop next door. That Spanish fenced underpass that goes into downtown. And there’s the hippie Grateful Dead head shop, and the Goodwill. Truly a small world.
Anita is a cute short Asian lesbian who’s been working the last five years editing porn. There were some fun DVDs at her house, “Couples Seducing Teens”, for example. Over basted eggs and knishes, we took guesses at why guys seem to like porn more than girls. Some theories put forward were: Guys are more visual. Romance novels are like porn for girls. Girls like to read the writing and use their imagination to fill in the blanks. Guys like to simply see the penetration.