honorary extinct dinosaurs (andrew)
Brighton was a night we’ll always remember. It was our last night with Luisa, TEED’s female vocalist, and Nina and Zara, the dinosaur dancers. They had all six of the Darwin Deez entourage lineup in the dressing room with our arms outstretched and our eyes closed. We felt something made of cloth drop into our hands. Opening our eyes, the band was found that Nina had sewn us all personalized Totally Extinct Enormous Dinosaurs shorts, neon blue and pink and green with speckled neon orange tails. Precious and irreplaceable. That night during their set, Darwin, Greg, Miles, and I all joined on stage for some jubilant dinosaur dancing.
But before TEED’s set, Greg and I went for a jog along Brighton’s chilly yet serene beach, sporting out new neon tails. The venue was nearly in the same place that it had been in October, in sight of the pier with the roller coaster carnival spectacle built on top of it. We ran up to the pier and began jogging along it to the end, to the ocean. “Let’s run inside!” I hollered up to Greg. “Smashing Pumpkins style!” And in the spirit of the 1979 video, we enter the interior and snaked between slot machines and arcade games and carnival attendees like mayhem teenagers.
After the show, I hung out with some of the concertgoers outside of the venue. I entertained one of the requests we often get, to teach how to do one of our dances. We went through the steps of Single Ladies, and then Spring Dance. Somebody wanted to sing Constellations, so we all did it together, up into the sparkly night sky of Brighton.